Free Virtual Marketing Conferences in 2021

Free virtual marketing conferences in 2021.
Keeping up with marketing trends in 2021 is still important – even if we’re doing it all online.

When the world shut down in March of 2020, many of us immediately missed our ability to travel – not just for pleasure but for work, too. Digital marketers know the importance on staying on top of the latest trends and technology, and one of the best (and most fun!) ways to stay knowledgeable is through the myriad of conferences each year. While we still can’t meet in person, we can still attend many free virtual marketing conferences in 2021.

Last updated: March 8th, 2021.

You might be wondering why I’m specifically focusing on the online marketing conferences that are free. There are two good reasons: firstly, many people have been financially affected by the COVID crisis, so any opportunity to cut costs in regards to continuing education and training should be welcomed. Secondly, many of these free marketing conferences (or conferences with free attendance options) are coming from top-notch industry leaders. For instance, in 2020, I attended some amazing free virtual conferences hosted by companies such as Adobe, HubSpot, Reuters, and Slack.

Below is my ongoing list of free digital marketing conferences in 2021.

March 2021

April 2021

May 2021

coming soon

June 2021

coming soon

July 2021

coming soon

August 2021

coming soon

September 2021

coming soon

October 2021

November 2021

coming soon

December 2021

coming soon

Know of a free virtual marketing conference in 2021 that’s not listed here? Drop me a note in the comments and I’ll add it in!

Laura Hofford is a digital marketer, designer, and entertainment technology specialist in the Dallas / Fort Worth metroplex. Use the navigation below for more “top lists” and inspiration!

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