I’ve shared quite a bit of my graphic design and scenic painting over the years, but it’s been awhile since I’ve featured my ink drawings in any meaningful way. I’ve done a particular form of abstract ink drawings since high school, and I attempt to get a little work done on any number of works-in-progress each week. Starting in early 2024, I plan to start releasing my work as a limited edition NFT series under my online handle as Valdyr on the Solana-based platform Solarplex.

As mentioned above, I started drawing in high school, and even had some of my early work published in the school literary and artwork magazine. I continued on throughout college, though my doodles there were more of a way to take a break from my other artwork – namely, the theatrical design work I was completing for my studies.
In the end, up until recently, my ink drawings were intended as more of a release and distraction rather than a focus in and of themselves. However, a few years ago I had to have surgery on my dominant elbow, and I was afraid afterwards that I would never have the same physical dexterity after healing. One of my featured drawings below was proof that I could hold a pen still enough to create.
Current Process

A few years later, a second blow came down when I was diagnosed with a neurological disorder that causes my hands to shake. At this point in time, each piece I produce is both practice and proof that I can keep creating my art. For more of my work in progress and information about my other projects, follow me on Instagram.
I’m looking forward to sharing my work in new ways in 2024!